Welcome to synck’s documentation!

SyncK stands for synC Kernel, this is the embedded software dedicated to the execution of a synC program.


This documentation is work in progress, information contained may be outdated, outdated, or not documented at all.


Synck is composed of:

The bootloader that boots the board, downloads the executable and load it into memory.
The gdb agent that runs on the target and interracts with a host gdb client
The kernel that enables to run a synC program onto the target.


For now SyncK is only made to run on a Raspberry Pi3 board. Indeed this is a widely distributed board, very accessible and with a large community. Thus it is a good candidate for a first development and to broadcasat the synC technology.

You need a [USB to Serial TTL](https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B01N4X3BJB/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) converter to communicate and interract with SyncK-Pi.


Indices and tables